1. Sugar Paper Gold dots: Gold dots are beautiful to look at. I am in love. I have always wanted to have a wall with little gold polka dots on it, and now that I'm re-doing my room... I might talk myself into doing it! Anyways, back to the topic of notebooks.. Sugar Paper has beautiful designs that just inspire you to write bunches and bunches of lists. Find the notebook here.
2. Sugar Paper Gold stars: I know what you're thinking.. From the same company, same color, almost the same shape.. Yeah. I know I have a problem when it comes to Sugar Paper and gold. But how can you not love these notebooks? When I think of gold stars.. I think of those little sticker charts back in Elementary School. You know the ones where you got gold stars for being good? Well, this notebook inspires me to write lists about Elementary school memories and other things like that. Find the notebook here.
3. Kikki.K 3 Pack: I couldn't find the exact notebook set, but the ones that I did find are the Live Bright set.. Which obviously reminds me of the Kate Spade quote "Live Colorfully". Which obviously makes me think of this post. So yeah.. I love this notebook set! Kikki. K sells great products when it comes to writing and taking notes and snail mail. This particular set of notebooks would be good if you are going on a trip and you need some journals to use while you are gone. They are light and slim which is good for packing. Find the set here.
4. Ella Doran hardback bike notebook: Aren't bicycles cute? Or at least when they are on a print.. I love the look of them! Especially when they are in different colors. I love hardback journals for when you are on a long vacation or if you like to journal what goes on in your daily life. Personally, I just make lists and write short stories and things like that.. Find the notebook here.
5. Not a part of the Design Darling boutique anymore.. but I still love it!
6. Kate Spade Rose notebook: Flowers are beautiful.. Even though peonies are my favorite flowers, I love roses too! And Kate Spade.. So this notebook is 100% perfect! Find the notebook here.
7. Kate Spade Stripe notebook: I love stripes. Who doesn't? Lately it's been an obsession.. If you can't tell, I have a whole lot of obsessions haha. Actually this notebook and the rose notebook are in the same set, but I needed 10 notebooks.. So I had to separate them haha! All in all, both prints are adorable, and the price is a steal! Only $12! Find the notebooks here.
8. Personalized Notebook: This notebook is literally perfection. It's got a beautiful pattern on the cover, it can be personalized, AND you can get it in just about any color! It's PERFECT! Letter Love Designs sells lovely paper products.. I went to the site, and I fell in love. I'm obsessed with a capital OBSESSED!! Find the notebook here.
9. Kate Spade spiral bound notebook: Don't judge.. I know there's a whole lot of stripes and Kate Spade in this post. I can't help being obsessed! This notebook is probably one of my favorites because it is the size of a regular Five Star notebook. It's size makes it great for class and taking notes.. or lists haha Find the notebook here.
10. Jonathan Adler mini notebook: I love the Jonathan Adler prints. They are so unique, bright, and colorful! The mini notebooks have 160 lined pages, which is a lot of space for taking notes and writing lists.. I like it because it's a good sized notebook without being bulky. Find the notebook here.
I hope y'all liked these notebooks.. It's obvious by now that I'm obsessed with notebooks, gold dots, stripes.. and a whole lot of other things:) I like how each of these notebooks can all be used in some way/shape/form for school. A nice notebook is definitely a back to school essential! Let me know which notebook was your favorite!