Aug 14, 2014

Fab Girl Community

Hey Y'all, 
I discovered a new blogging community recently.. It's for all Fab girl bloggers! Ashley of Private School Prepster  created this community, and I think it was an excellent idea. This community is perfect for any teenaged girl bloggers who are looking for a community to benefit them and their blog. It's great for finding/sharing any blogging meetups, brand opportunities, and submitting posts from their own blogs to share with a different group of readers. Sounds fab right? 

If you are a brand that is interested in partnering with the Fab Girl bloggers.. Us members will get to fill out a form and apply for the opportunity, and then you will get to choose which blogger you want to write a review/giveaway/outfit post.. whatever! Email Ashley if you are interested in partnering with us:)

If you are a blogger looking to join the community.. Follow this link and fill out the form! 

Let me know in a comment if you are a part of the community.. Or if you're gonna go and join! :) 

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  1. I would love to get a patagonia vest for the winter! I hope you enjoy the last few days of your summer. xoxo Kate


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