Nov 10, 2015

Taking Time for Yourself

It's crucial to take a break every once and a while. As days go by and the holiday season is coming closer and closer, almost everyone's stress levels will be through the roof. Family visits, end of semester exams and projects, as well as dealing with the typical everyday drama and craziness like usual. Some of you might have noticed that this past week I didn't get around to writing a new blog post. I was dealing with some stuff. Last Monday we learned that my puppy, Minnie had cancer. The disease was spreading into her kidneys and liver so we decided to put her down on Thursday. Oh and Friday (this is totally irrelevant compared to Minnie, but still adding to the craziness of last week) my high school football team lost our undefeated streak of 9-0. Now we're 9-1 and let me tell you it was insanely upsetting. ANYWAYS, I'm not gonna just write a big ol sob story. I wanted to share a little lesson I learned this past week. 

It's okay to take a break. It's okay to breathe. It's okay to take a day off. Sometimes you need to cry. Holding emotions in isn't healthy. Of course, letting them out all the time isn't healthy either, but everyone needs to take at least one minute just to breathe and relax. Sip on hot vanilla chai while watching cheesy romantic movies or binging a show on Netflix. Get home after a long day and sleep. Read a book. Do whatever calms and relaxes you. It's okay.

It's easy to get caught up in the everyday excitement. It's easy to over involve yourself in all the events and people around you. It's easy to hear that little voice in your head telling you to push it off and push it off and never let it out or take a breather. You can keep this up for only so long.. There comes a time when an hour or an evening or even a week of simplifying life, and drifting away from the crazy is all you need. Nothing matters more than your personal health and well being.

Bloggers- it's okay to put your blog in the backseat for a week. However long you need. Think about it, your content isn't going to be as good when you're stressed. Forced content is not fun to read at all. Make sure it's easier for you to write. Sometimes a chill break is a good thing. You need time to yourself to decompress and get back to your unstressed and relaxed self.

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