Jan 5, 2016

Classy Cathleen Turns Two

Twirling and eating cake for breakfast and screaming and dancing because well... It's been TWO YEARS! Two years of hard work, late nights, early mornings, tears (both happy and frustrated), many emails to various support websites, playing episode after episode of Phineas and Ferb to let my mind rest from coding, burning candle after candle, approximately 15,000 notebooks filled with lists..... and it's here. My two year blog anniversary. 

I wore this sparkly dress (originally from Homecoming... not gonna get into that right now) for New Years Eve - as you saw on Instagram.. but since I had pictures, and It'd be a little late for a "Happy New Year's" post right now.... The occasion of the dress is my second blog anniversary!

I just wanted to share a quick thank you to anyone and everyone who ever ended up on my site. Whether you read a post or just clicked, leave comments or just read the posts, To everyone who has ever participated in a linkup or twitter chat that I've co hosted. Thank you to all my friends (y'all know who you are... which is everyone because that's how I've come to think of you all). THANK YOU. You have gotten me to wear I am right now, and I seriously cannot thank you enough. Thank you to all my dear friends from school who put up with my pure ridiculousness and constant obsessions over various things, thank you to all my new friends I've made through this crazy experience that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Blogging has taught me that wow, I actually can stick with something for a year, and now, two! I'm so proud of myself and so thankful for all of you right now. I really wouldn't be where I am without the sweet tweets, comments, and obviously your views. To anyone and everyone following me on social media, you're incredible. Your likes on my instagram photos make me goofily grin, and any comments make me feel all happy inside. I'm so thankful (wow how many times can I say that.. I mean it btw) for everyone. I really appreciate you for keeping up with these silly ramblings of a 15 year old girl, and if you've been following me for a while.. a 14 year old girl and before that a 13 year old girl. I don't know what it is that keeps you around, but I'm so glad you're here! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for everything!


Cathleen Slagle

instagram: @classycathleen
Pinterest: Cathleen Slagle
Twitter: @classycathleen
Facebook: Classy Cathleen
Snapchat: @cathslagle

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