Jul 6, 2015

Birthday in Greenville

If you remember a few posts back... I had some pre-birthday adventures in Columbia. Well, for my actual birthday, we headed up to Greenville, South Carolina. Also can I just say, I have the best readers and friends!! All your birthday texts, comments, tweets, instagram ice cream posts, and emails just made me the happiest girl in the world!! Thank you so much everyone :) It was an incredible birthday! 

Our first stop was this super fun little gallery, Christopher Park Gallery. My momma had originally discovered it when looking for places that sold Ernest Lee aka "The Chicken Man"'s artwork. He's pretty  hard to track down.. so it was nice to see some of his work in a gallery. I loved all the artwork the gallery had on display!


Here's some of The Chicken Man's work. 

More Chicken Man...

And Even more...

Also, they own a little cafe! It's covered in funky artwork, and the sandwiches are INCREDIBLE! We'll totally be coming back. If you're looking for a nice little place to eat in Greenville... Totally stop at Rainer's Cafe. 

Since it was my birthday, and I was hosting a virtual Ice Cream party.. #ccicecreamparty (thanks to everyone who participated.. y'all are the greatest!) We had to go find some ice cream.. We couldn't really find anything along the street we were walking on until we walked past Blueberry Frog, a FroYo place! SO SO GOOD. 

The lighting was a little shaky.. but my Fro yo was incredible, and so cute! I mean it's covered in rainbow sprinkles... 

After picking up some yogurt, we headed to the park. It was BEAUTIFUL! So many flowers, a Shakespeare play rehearsal, fun little stairs and trails, a huge bridge, benches, swings, waterfalls... I loved it. I absolutely cannot wait until I start visiting and touring campuses these next few years. I can't wait to tour Furman and revisit the greenville area. Here are some photos as we were walking along. P.S.. It's a lot of photos!

views from the bridge:

and here's the bridge:

but seriously these Piko dresses are insanely comfortable.. I'm obsessed! And only like $21! #steal! Mine's awkward in this picture because of my bag.. It's not one of those High-low things. 

an awkward little candid

Here's the Shakespeare rehearsal I was talking about..

I really wanted to stop by this building before we left.. mainly because Postcard From Paris Couture totally reminds me of Postcard from Paris by The Band Perry. 

We came across this mysterious little dungeon thing.. It even had a little bench in it. I thought it was creepy so I took off up the stairs.

All these tiger lilies are crazy beautiful

That awkward moment when you're with your fam and an hour to two away from home and you come across someone from your school and you make eye contact and he starts to walk closer.. God Bless for hydrangeas and being a flower obsessed blogger with a camera.

When you walk past this building you can hear train sounds.

Sorry for the picture overload... I gotta stop overwhelming y'all with posts like this! Overall I had an incredible birthday, and I cannot believe I AM NOW 15! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend...

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