Jan 6, 2014

Setting a Statement in the cold...

Hey Ya'll,
Today was way too cold for the South. And the really sad part about this is that: Today was the warmest day of this whole week. Tomorrow is going to be SUPER cold... Absolutely not looking forward to that... Ok so anyways: Today, I wore a statement necklace and a white collared shirt. I wore jeans and riding boots. It was a warm enough outfit, until the wind started blowing... I guess that's why they call it winter!

 This is kind of just an overview of the whole outfit. My bookbag is on because I had just got home.

I.D's really ruin an outfit don't they? I wish I could just wear my lovely necklaces without such an ugly lanyard. Anyways, My shirt is from Target, My jeans are from T. J. Maxx, My necklace was a Christmas present from a friend, My boots are from Shoe Carnival and are Rampage Boots. My bookbag is a Northface Jester if you were wondering. 
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