Mar 30, 2014

Blogging every day {blogging tips series}

Hey Y'all,
One thing that successful bloggers do is blog every day. When a post full of great content goes up every day, it brings more and more readers back to your blog. 

To encourage you to blog every day this month, I created a small challenge... 

There is a writing prompt for each day in April. I would love it if you participated:) Oh, and to be fair... I will be completing my own challenge. You can check Classy Cathleen every day, and I should have a new post of this writing challenge up each day. 

If you are interested in participating... Send me an email! I would love to see who's writing with these prompts.. And of course, I will be reading them:)

blog every day

April 1- What are you looking forward to this month?

April 2- What is your favorite thing about Spring?

April 3- What is the average temperature where you live?

April 4- What is your favorite Spring color?

April 5- What is the last thing that you purchased?

April 6- What are your Spring Break plans?

April 7- What are your 5 everyday necessities?

April 8- What is your favorite flower?

April 9- Have you seen a robin yet this month? 

April 10- What is your favorite song?

April 11- What is your favorite snack?

April 12- What is your iphone wallpaper?

April 13- What do you do after school/after work?

April 14- What's something in the news that you feel is a big deal?

April 15- What is your favorite breakfast food?

April 16- What are two of your favorite blogs?

April 17- Do you carry a purse? 

April 18- Favorite quote?

April 19- What are 3 things that inspire you?

April 20- What does your family do for Easter?

April 21- What are 5 of your favorite things?

April 22- Do you use a blog planner? If so, let us know why it helps you blog. If not, let us know why not.

April 23- What are some of your favorite Instagram accounts? 

April 24- What is your favorite desert?

April 25- Are you allergic to pollen?

April 26- What does your handwriting look like? Show us how it has developed over the years. 

April 27- What book is on your side table right now?

April 28- What is your favorite monogrammed item?

April 29- How do you deal with stress?

April 30- Are you ready for May? What are you looking forward to?
