Apr 28, 2014

Blogging Don'ts with Ashley {Blogging tips series}

Hey Y'all,
Today I'm here with Ashley from History in High Heels, for another post in the blogging tips series. Many people focus on the things that your blog needs, and that you need to do.. but there are also some things that you need to stop doing! I hope that you find this post helpful!

1) Don’t pretend to be someone you are not! Be you, because that is original!

2) Don’t blog just to blog (or post just to post). While blogging every day is great, the quality of posts is always more important than the quantity. Posting a couple images you like from Pinterest isn’t content, it’s filler! Why read your blog when they can see all your pins on Pinterest? If you are having trouble coming up with a post, blog about it—that’s much more relatable!

3) Don’t make everything all about you, all the time. Yes, blogging is self indulgent and readers want to hear your voice and learn about you, but you should do it in a why that is relatable rather than self centered. Try to look at your blog from your readers’ point of view.

4) Don’t post a million pictures of the same outfit. This drives me crazy with fashion bloggers. You don’t need twenty pictures of the same outfit, when a couple will do. Think about why you are posting the outfit and feature what’s interesting about it—the details, patterns, colors, accessories, shoes, etc.

5) Don’t regurgitate your favorite blog(s). It’s one thing to look up to someone and be inspired, but it’s another thing to simply regurgitate their ideas and posts. As I said in #1 be you, that’s enough!

6) Don’t over-crowd or over-complicate your layout/design. Please, please, please don’t clutter your blog with tons of images or, gasp, have auto-play music. It just makes it look (and sound) amateur. Clean and simple is always best. If you don’t have photoshop skills you can purchase professional looking banners and icons on Etsy.

7) Don’t steal photos. This one is so important! You should always credit photos (on all of your social media platforms). This not only recognizes creative and intellectual property, it also connects you to other (and often quite successful) bloggers, which only helps you! And whenever possible, try to use original images and then others will credit you!

8) Don’t use profanity. It doesn’t add emphasis and it isn’t cute, period.

9) Don’t be shady. If a company sponsored a post or gifted you something you are featuring, be forthcoming about it—directly state this post was sponsored and use the standard c/o (care of) for gifted product.

10) Don’t ignore grammar. It is great to write your blog in a relaxed, conversational style, but grammar and sentence structure still matter. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but pay attention to the length of your sentences and paragraphs (shorter is better), as well as your spelling and punctuation.
