Apr 3, 2014

Blogging Every Day Challenge {Day 3}

Hey Y'all,
Happy April 3rd! It's time for another post in my blogging challenge:)

Question: What is the average temperature where you live?

Answer: I live in South Carolina. Average temperature is around 50-60 degrees... Except late Spring and Summer {Summer lasts until about October...} Then the low is about 65 degrees... I love warm South Carolina days! When it gets past 85 degrees, I can't stand it.. Unless I'm at the pool or the beach, of course.

This past Winter was crazy! It snowed. TWICE! Here, In South Carolina! We're not supposed to get snow that sticks... Or at least, it doesn't happen very often! I mean school was out for 5 days.. That's really crazy for South Carolina!

Hopefully this Spring will warm up more quickly.. We are still getting some chilly mornings. And then in the afternoons it's just around 70... For the most part, I love South Carolina weather!