Apr 4, 2014

Blogging Every Day Challenge {day 4}

Hey y'all,
This week has been a lovely first week of April... I hope yours has gone well too:) Happy 4th day of April! 

Question: What is your favorite spring color? 

Answer: I love pastels. Especially in Spring! I feel that pastels bring out a bright and happy person just like the bright and happy season:) Of all the pastel colors, I would have to say that a pale pink, and a light blue will forever be favorites of mine.

In the above picture, I love the "Frou Frou Pink" and "Butter Mint". They remind me of Cotton Candy.. If I had to pick a 3rd, 4th, and 5th favorites from the above palette, I would go with: "Blue Skies", "Mellow Yellow", then "Cafe a lait". I don't feel like brown is a "springy" color. Pale and light colors fit better with this time of year:)