Hey Y'all,
It's the first Saturday, of April 2014. Isn't that neat to think about? I mean.. There will never be another day like today for the rest of your life! Today is the only day like today. Make the most of today. Don't let another day slip on by without importance. {There's some motivation for your weekend:) Your welcome!}
Question: What is the last thing you purchased?
Answer: I only wear one kind of foundation. It is the Guerlain Terracotta Skin Healthy Glow Foundation. I first became introduced to this foundation at the French Pavilion in Epcot at Disney World. The lady told me that if you mix it with moisterizer, it won't clog your pores and you make it match any skin tone! This stuff has been amazing. I have been on one tube since November 2013, and I just now ran out. Nordstrom apparently has it so I ordered it from their website. My area currently does not have a Nordstrom, but I heard that they are replacing Barnes and Noble with Nordstrom.. Kind of sad, but I'm the smallest bit excited! {link}