May 24, 2014

Shoes for the Beach

Hey y'all,

shoes for the beach
As you know by yesterday's Five on Friday post, I'm taken a Beach Trip! I will be back later on Monday.. So the posts for this weekend are scheduled and not live. I promise as soon as I come back, there will be a rather large photodump of all the pictures of the weekend! I hope y'all are having a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend:)

I think that there are only certain shoes that are appropriate for the beach. Light sandals, sandals that do the best with water, or are nautical. You can't wear riding boots on the beach! You'll get sand all up in them, and they will be ruined. Tennis shoes are ok, but again, you'll get sand all in them! Sandals and flip flops are the MOST appropriate.

Pair #1: Tory Burch Abitha Sandals- I love the simplicity in these sandals. They are perfect, and I just think that they will match all kinds of outfits! On the beach you don't need any crazy heels or anything like that. These are easy to walk in and super casual. {link}

Pair #2: Keds Lily Sandals- These sandals are so cute and nautical. Red is such a bright and bold color, and with those nautical ropes are just perfect! The style of these sandals are great too.. Who knew that Keds sandals would be as great as this? {link}

Pair #3: Tory Burch flip flops- So sorry I don't know the actual name of these flip flops, but I think they're pretty cute.. The color, and the style are just great. Plus, they're on sale right now! Instead of being $222 they are $162! {link}

Pair #4: Tory Burch Miller sandals- If you are looking for some more dressy sandals, these would be an excellent choice. They are very proper, but the leather is still very simple and classic. Tory Burch always makes the best shoes.. {link}

Pair #5: Jack Rogers Georgica Jelly sandals- If you're looking for cute, classy, and water proof.. These are the sandals for you! They look great, but also are comfortable, which is huge for beach sandals. If they aren't comfortable than they aren't worth spending the money! {link}

I hope that you enjoyed this post,

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