Jun 3, 2014

Bad Hair Day

Hey Y'all, 
So.. Have you ever woken up on a Monday morning, and seen your hair in an absolute mess? On any other day.. You most likely would find a way to fix it, and you would put more time and effort into it.. But on a Monday? That just wasn't going to happen yesterday! So.. I did the only thing I could. Put in a headband! 

{Excuse my cookie cake} 

I went into Monday knowing that my hair was bad and all that, but actually.. The headband helped a lot! 

I do part my hair over to the side, so I had parted my hair, out the headband in and brushed the part out of the back part  of my hair, if that makes any sense to y'all.. It did look a bit puffier in the back, but overall I got lots of complements on it. 

I just thought I would share with y'all this little bad hair day trick that I learned:) By the way.. The headband is from World Market, but you can find other hair accesories like these at other places like Claire's and all those.. 
