Aug 4, 2014

Agenda Organization

Hey Y'all! Cathleen here with another part in my back to school series! I am super excited to be sharing this post with y'all:) Here is a little more of my new Kate Spade agenda in Bella Bookshelf, and some other things that I use with my agenda! I hope y'all enjoy this post.. and thank you all so much for following my blog! 100 of y'all are following me on Bloglovin'!! I cannot thank you all enough! Alright.. Let's move on into my Agenda Organization post:)

When it comes to agendas, post-it notes are definitely a must have! They are perfect for adding extra little side notes to yourself. With having a blog, I write a ton of notes to myself.. People to email, posts to write, photos to take... things like that!

I love Lilly Pulitzer pencils and I just had to take a picture of all of these patterns together! They're a little tacky all together in one photo.. but I don't care! I love all of these prints..

Here's where y'all get to take a peek inside of my of agenda, and how I organize/plan on organizing my agenda for both school and my blog!

So when you open the agenda, there are gold dots on the inside of the front cover. I like how the gold spiral binding matches the inside cover. The first page in the agenda is a folder. It's 100% perfect for putting Classy Cathleen business cards! The gold marker that you see in the photo is my absolute favorite marker I own. It's beautiful! It writes gold and shiny and is literally perfection in a marker. 

Another thing that is inside of the agendas are these little tabs so that you can easily find your way through the book. Unlike the Lilly Pulitzer agendas, these are laminated/covered in plastic so they are sturdy and durable. The next page in the agenda is just your basic month by month calendar. Pretty simple. 

Here's the part of the agenda I'm really excited about... The notes section! Instead of only being a few pages, this section is super thick! That means tons of space for me to make lists!! I love writing lists.. 

At the beginning of each month, there is a little saying on the right hand page. This month, the saying is "skip the formalities". 

Instead of showing y'all each month's saying.. I thought I would just show you my favorite one out of all of the months! December says "Find the silver lining". I always try to find the positive in things.. So this one is obviously a favorite! 

Ok so here's a little how I organize my agenda. On the spread page of the month, I have already written just a couple major things that I need to remember. Such as orientation and the first day of school. As the school year moves on, I will probably start to use this section to schedule out my blog posts instead of using the week by week. 

Here is probably one of your only chances to see how I schedule out my blog posts! At the beginning of the week, I just write down some ideas.. and then I figure out what post I want on which day.. So, here's this week, and what I have planned:) As the year goes on, this section will be filled up with assignments and due dates, and just things I have to do. 

Another thing that I like to do is to leave little post-its with ideas and extra to-do's that I need to get done this week! I just love post-its.. I guess it goes along with the whole list-maker part of me! 

Here's another look at my Lilly Pulitzer pencils.. I have used these a whole lot already, and they will be fun to use this school year! It's fun to look down as you're writing, and see a Lilly Pulitzer print on your pencil.. Get some for yourself here

Don't ask me why.. because honestly, I have no idea... but I love writing with blue pens. I always have loved just the look of blue pens I guess? I don't know.. if you have been following along on Classy Cathleen for awhile, then you probably know that I'm a little quirky so this really shouldn't be much of a surprise to you! haha:) 

Highlighters are a staple when it comes to getting ready for back to school. You have to remember all assignments, but some things are a bit more of a priority than other things. It's nice to highlight those important assignments, projects, dates, events that are TOP PRIORITY. Again.. We have some post-it notes shown in the photo. I like the big ones for marking my page, phone numbers, or other things that I need to do. The little ones are good for small assignments. I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have post-it notes in my life haha. They help so much!

What kind of agenda do you have for this year? Let me know in a comment below!

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