So.. Um.. It's August? I cannot believe it... It seems like my birthday (July 3rd) was only a few days ago! Summer just goes by so quickly... Before I know it, I'll be back in a brick building writing, reading, and taking tests... You really just have to enjoy each day as it comes, you know?
Ok so in all honesty... I forgot to write a Five on Friday this week! So... We are going to just say that this July Favorites post kinda sorta counts as a Five on Friday? Or maybe a Seven on Friday? I don't know.. haha
Obsession #2
Obsession #3: Peonies- They are beautiful. I am in LOVE. The pink ones are my favorite, but all of them are beautiful. Peonies are official my favorite flower... I don't have any links or anything like that for this obsession haha.. or much else to say about them other than the fact that I am in love!
Obsession #4: French t-shirts- Just being honest here, J.Crew makes the best French tees. Well any t-shirt with French words on it is beautiful... But I love the ones that J.Crew makes! Here's some of my favorites; here, here, and here.
Obsession #5: Pretty Paper- I've been obsessed with pretty notebooks, pretty stationary, and pretty prints.. It's so fun to just write on paper that is super fancy and well, beautiful! Here's some of my favorites; here, here, here, and here.
Obsession #6: Bangles- I recently discovered these Kate Spade look-a-like bangles from Forever 21. Look how similar it is to the Kate Spade bangle. If you are a fan of buying the look for less.. Than I strongly recommend checking out all of Forever 21's Jewelry.. I'm not a huge fan of their clothes, but their prices are amazing! When it comes to bangles.. Kate Spade is my favorite. Hands down. They can be expensive, but the little idioms and phrases inside of the bangles are adorable!
Obsession #7: Agendas- I have been obsessed with agendas lately.. Especially the Kate Spade agendas (I just got mine in the mail the other day! Organization post to come soon!) but a super special thanks again to Emily for introducing me to even more fabulous agendas! What great picks! Oh, and we're agenda twins:) Let me know in a comment below if you also have the Bella Bookshelf agenda! A blog post on agendas should be coming soon!
Thanks for reading my favorites from this past month! Please leave a comment with a link to a blog post you have written about any of the above topics below! I would love to read:) Also.. Make my day, and follow my blog via email! Click here and put in your email address:)