Hey Y'all!
I am SUPER excited! I have been nominated by two fabulous bloggers Claire of Simply Darling and Itunu of Beyoutiful Beauties for the Liebster Award... *Tries to stay calm and mature, but ends up giggling and smiling* Thank you so much you fabulous ladies! Thank you so very much for nominating me.. i am a huge fan of your blogs and I just cannot believe it:)
Ok so here's how the Liebster Award works.. And what it is! So.. here we go!
The Liebster Award is an award given out to up and coming bloggers as a way to discover new blogs and get involved in the community! Once you are nominated, you are to complete several tasks...
1) Post 11 facts about yourself.
2) Answer the 11 questions created by the person who nominated you, then create your own set for the people you are going to nominate!
3) Choose 11 people (that have under 200 followers) to nominate and link them in your post.
4) Let the people you nominated know they've been tagged! No tag backs.
2) Answer the 11 questions created by the person who nominated you, then create your own set for the people you are going to nominate!
3) Choose 11 people (that have under 200 followers) to nominate and link them in your post.
4) Let the people you nominated know they've been tagged! No tag backs.
Keep on reading to see my answers to both Claire and Itunu's questions.. Oh and probably the most important part of the post: Who I have nominated!
11 Facts About Me:
~I live in South Carolina
~Every weekend my family and I go to one (or two) of the South Carolina State Parks.
~I enjoy hiking
~I have 3 dogs: Minnie, Merry (The twins), and Sparky.
~I really enjoy photography
~I have brown hair and brown eyes
~Blogging has become my absolute favorite thing! I have gotten so many kind words from all of my followers, and I just wanted to say that y'all are amazing! Thank you so much for reading my ramblings, and my opinions.. Goodness knows I have a whole lot of those.. but I just love blogging and I don't plan on stopping any time soon!
~The last movie I watched was Up.. Let's be honest: Isn't it such a cute movie? Gosh I love it!
~I have a younger brother and sister.. and an older brother with Autism.
~My absolute favorite place to vacation is Disney's resort at Hilton Head Island
~Some of my favorite colors are pink, navy, yellow, and light blue!
11 Questions from Claire:
1) Describe your style.
I would describe my style as simple, casual, and classic. It's very comfortable, but something that won't go out of style.
2) Are you an early bird or night owl?
Definitely an early bird! I can wake up at 5 o'clock and be ok for the most part.. But keep me up after 10? Ooh.. I'm not exactly the most pleasant person.
3) Are you a procrastinator or do you like getting things done early?
I try to get things done early.. but sometimes with so many classes and things I do the hardest stuff first, and forget about the smaller assignments. I do try to write everything down in my agenda so I
don't forget things!
4) Favorite holiday?
Christmas. I love celebrating Jesus's birthday! We have a special tradition at my house.. We make a
super yummy Christmas Pizza.
5) Favorite summer memory?
Definitely visiting the South Carolina State Parks... There is not one exact moment that I loved more than anything else.. There are so many parks and things to do that I have so many memories..
6) Favorite place to vacation?
Hilton Head! The Disney part specifically.. I'm such a 4 year old at heart!
7) What are you most excited for in the upcoming school year?
Meeting new people and not procrastinating whatsoever. I'm just going to try and stay on top of things and get things done on time this year. Hopefully I will get to learn more about things that I'm interested in.
8) How and when did you start blogging?
I started a blog about a year ago.. but I deleted it. Classy Cathleen started out of my love for writing and fashion. I started this blog in January of this year. I am so amazed at how far this blog as come.. Almost 100 of y'all are following me on Bloglovin', 56 of y'all get my posts sent straight to your inbox, 1000 or so on Pinterest, 1200 on Instagram, 2000 on Polyvore... Do you realize how insane that is? Y'all, that's crazy!
9) Your favorite movie?
ooh.. that's tough.. I have no idea... Anything Disney!
10) Who is your biggest inspiration?
My mom. She has had quite a few challenges, but she is amazing at shielding her children from pretty much all of it. She is amazing and wonderful, and I love her with all my heart.
11) What do you want to do when you graduate college?
I want to become some sort of teacher.. If not a special needs teacher, I would love to be an English teacher. I will definitely consider blogging, I really hope it will be successful.. I also think it would be really fun to start some sort of company or designer.
11 Questions from Itunu
1. If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would it be?
Somewhere in Europe with my Mom. Maybe England or France? I don't know..
2. What's your favorite dessert?
Homemade ice cream.. Earlier in the Summer I got a Cusinart frozen dessert maker thingy.. My Dad did a little bit of searching and found a MUCH HEALTHIER recipe, and it tastes amazing!
3. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
Dress up in princess dresses and go to Disney World. I'm really myself when I'm in such a fun place like Disney World... Even to this day that's true. I used to love dressing up in my Belle, Jasmine, Sleeping Beauty costumes. I do remember the tulle lining used to itch really badly so I would always wear leggings under costume.
4. What are some of your hobbies now?
Hiking, BLOGGING, Talking.. That's pretty much it! I talk a lot haha
5. Who's your inspiration?
My Mom (as mentioned earlier in this post).. When it comes to other inspirations..Kate Middleton, Audrey Hepburn, and Reese Witherspoon.
6. What's your style (preppy, boho, urban, etc.)?
It's a lot of things.. It kind of depends on the day.... haha I love the classic preppy style.. Sometimes I like the boho and girly style as well
7. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Hopefully either teaching, blogging, running my own company or a combination of the three!
8. Tribal print or polka dots?
Polka dots! I can be a girly girl at times (like where fashion is involved) but also a tom boy by doing things like hiking and running and things like that. I especially love gold polka dots:)
9. Why did you decide to become a blogger?
I needed a creative outlet.. I have so many notebooks filled up with short stories, poems and things like that.. and I just needed a place to write and share my opinions. I'm so glad that I started this blog, and I have been loving every second of this experience!
10. Who is your style icon?
Kate Middleton.. Her style is so modest, simple, and just classic. It's timeless and will never go out of style.
11. What's your favorite t.v show?
I don't know..i'll probably change this answer later haha
Wow.. That's a lot of answers and questions.. Thanks again ladies for nominating me!
Here's 11 Questions for my nominees to answer!
1. Do you have any pets? If not.. What kind of pet would you have?
2. Who is your inspiration? (style, attitude, ect.)
3. What is your favorite quote?
4. How long have you been blogging, and why did you start your blog?
5. What is your favorite season?
6. Would you rather visit France or England?
7. What is your favorite thing to do over the weekend?
8. What do you hope to get out of blogging?
9. What three words would you use to describe your style?
10. What three words would you use to describe you?
11. What are 5 of your favorite foods?
And here's the most important part of the post! Here's who I tag for the Liebster Award:
Alex from Monster Misa
mHa from Meggie July
Lori from Writing My Story
Kristin from The Dixie Daisy
Lauren from Styling and Profiling
MBK from The Prep Nxt Door
Bess from Belles in Bows
Marshall from The Tall Blonde
Macy from MacyMed
Molly and Kelsey from The Coffee & Curls
Kelly from Celfie Central
I hope that all of my readers should check out all of the above blogs. They are amazing... Also if you have a blog.. Feel free to go on and join the Google plus community that I moderate: Bloggers with Class. For more info follow the link and just look around:)