Feb 1, 2015

Goals (Update)

I'm writing this post mainly for me. I know that myself, along with many others, stick with and follow through with their goals for at least the first two weeks of January. Maybe even stick it out until the end of the month. When we hit February and as the year continues on... It's harder to stick with your goals. Well, I'm not gonna let that happen to me this year. Instead of a monthly favorites or anything like that.. I'm going to have a goals update. There might be some new goals, accomplished goals, and who knows what will happen this year! I'm only publishing these on my blog for future reference, and so that I can feel like I must accomplish these things because I told you all that I would. I'm really hoping to make 2015 a different year than all the rest. For the first time in forever I'm going to accomplish all of my goals. 

So in last month's post, these were my goals for the new year:

Smile more 
~ Quality over Quantity (in everything. not just blogging)
~ Work on my handwriting (because mine sucks) 
~ Stay active on social media (yet another thing I suck at. unless we're talking about Pinterest...)
~ Build a loyal Classy Cathleen following (I would really love to find new readers this year!)
~ Instagram more (and another thing I'm awful at. It's a miracle if I post more than once a month.)
~ Continue to practice photography skills (I love photography, so I obviously want to get better)
~ Fix up old posts to make them the best they can be (some of my posts when I first started out were not good at all.... so I want to fix them up, and republish them out their on the web!)
~ Write more letters (snail mail is becoming a lost art, and I am determined to help to bring it back)

Let's update this for February:

What I've accomplished- 

I have noticed that I have been smiling a bit more.. What I mean by this is going out of my comfort zone, meeting new people, building relationships, and just having a more positive outlook on life. I felt like 2014 was just a blur and it went by super fast and I am determined to live 2015 to the fullest. I will obviously continue my "smiling" in the upcoming month.. and we'll see what has happened at the end of this month.

Quality over quantity has been an attempt. I know I can do better. Ever since I got my new camera, I've had all these wonderful ideas for posts.. All it takes is just me to take some time and do it right. I can't keep slacking off with my writing. If anything I need to challenge myself to write better. It's very easy as a blogger to slip under and just do mediocre writing or boring posts or the same gift guides (totally not bashing anyone that is putting together a gift guide right now.. I'm just saying I won't be) that everyone else is writing. I just need to focus on the quality aspect of my writing and not so much pushing myself to pump out another post just so I have something up on the blog. 

I have made a small attempt (very, very, very small) at my handwriting. When I'm in class taking notes, I focus on it and trying to get it neater... but that's just regular writing. I want to practice cursive and just other fun little fonts. I just think words are so pretty and powerful and if you can write them prettier.. they have more power. I know that probably makes zero sense to anyone... but it makes sense to me, and sense this post is for me... I guess it doesn't really matter. I would like to take more time for myself to set aside for doodling and writing this month.

Staying active on social media has been a huge goal of mine, and I think I managed pretty well over the course of the month. I actually slacked some on Pinterest (shocker I know) because of homework.. But I did try to stay constant on Twitter and Instagram. Facebook was just not made for me. I do have a page set up for Classy Cathleen... but I don't even know how to use it most of the time. And apparently I'm doing something right because I hit 160 I think on Twitter and 2.4k on Pinterest. 

As far as new followers of Classy Cathleen.. There have been a few following from Bloglovin' and email that are new.. Which is super exciting, and I'm so glad that you're here and following along. But other than that, I'm not really sure because I have some readers that find me through social media, and won't follow my blog, but they will click on my link whenever I share that I have a new post up. And thank you to all you wonderful people that are reading my content. It really means the world to me. 

With Instagram, I am actually really, really proud of myself. Before this year.. I would go weeks, sometimes even months without updating my Instagram. This past month, I posted 17 photos. That's a new record. And apparently, posting more is working because I'm at 1170 followers now... HOW HUGE IS THAT? But basically, I've been reading many posts on how to step up my game with my feed, and I've tried my hardest to improve my feed and make it nice to look at. I will obviously continue to do this, and I will continue to share snapshots into my life with my Instagram account. 

Photography class has been going okay. I took some photos to show the difference in a snapshot and a photograph, and I was really proud of how those came out. I have been taking my camera with me every weekend as my family and I visit all around the state and explore new places. I really enjoy playing with the focus and things like that. I hope that as this year goes on, I will grow as a photographer. 

If I'm honest, I haven't fixed up a single blog post like I had planned. It's on the agenda (my Kate Spade agenda of course) to edit some posts and clean them up a bit and republsih them.. but I haven't gotten around to it yet. But it is on every agenda I own (including my Amy Ruth Designs) and every to do list I have started. 

I received one adorable bit of snail mail from Miss Sophia over at California Belle Blog, and I have not yet sent some snail mail back to her. I have a few others that I would like to send some letters to.. but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I really need someone in my life 24/7 to yell at me for slacking off. Like someone just needs to look over my shoulder at all times and tell me to clean up my life and get my stuff done. 

Things I would like to accomplish this month:

I would like to finish two nonfiction novels. And maybe a coffee table book. I finished 1984 last month.. but I want to read something more fun and more for me. I personally love nonfiction novels because I love people and stories about people. I really just need to sit down, get off of Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.. and read. 

Working out is something that I started more this semester. I really want to take care of my body. I have been hiking and doing outdoor activities a lot over the weekends, but my school has a small gym that I have access to... so what's holding me back? I just need to get off my butt and go run, or leg press, or lift weights or anything! 

Cooking. I started the new #cookingwithcathleen series last week and it's something my dad is super excited for. He's the one that usually prepares all the meals, so for me to step up and learn how to cook and new things to prepare for my family is a very big deal. I'm honestly really excited and my goal is to publish four or more recipes to the blog this month. 

Sending at least 5 snail mail cards would be a big accomplishment. Obviously one to Sophia, and maybe a few other blogging friends (y'all watch your mailboxes). This is another thing that I have no excuse for.. I just need to sit down and write some friendly letters to some friends! 

Well, I'll be back next month to share more of my goals and more updates on what's been happening as far as my life and my goals. Here's to a wonderful February! 

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