Feb 17, 2015

Tuesday Talks -- Caitlin of Your Typical Prep

I'm putting my Disney Travel Journals on pause just for a bit to introduce something new and fun to Classy Cathleen. For the longest time (ever since I started my blog honestly) I've wanted to have my own weekly interviews here on my blog. I love talking to people, learning new things about people, and just getting to know them beyond their blog! For the first ever #tuesdaytalks I thought I would interview one of my best blog friends (actually she's my Big.. it's a bit complicated), Caitlin Cooper of the blog Your Typical Prep. So without further ado... Let's get into this interview!

C.S. Hey Caitlin! I'm so excited to have you as the first ever person interviewed on Classy Cathleen for this new little series that I'm calling Tuesday Talks! I'm seriously so excited to chat with you, and for my readers to learn more about you :)

Let's start with some basics... 

Where are you from?

C.C. I live right in the middle of Atlanta! It's great being surrounded by such a big city because there's always something going on. 

C.S. That's definitely a good thing.. I love always having something to do! If you don't mind my asking.. How old are you?

C.C. I'm 17 and a senior in high school! It's a little crazy that I'll legally be an adult in just a few months...

C.S. Wow.. I can't even imagine. I'm younger than you so I don't have to deal with all that craziness yet haha. Okay so being a senior in high school, what colleges have you applied to or looked into?

C.C. I applied to UVA, UGA, UNC, Chapel Hill, Chapman, Dartmouth, Columbia, Washington, Lee, and Vanderbilt. It's quite a list, haha, but I wanted to have a few options since choosing a school really does determine so much for your future. 

C.S. Wow! That is quite the list haha, but it is always good to have options, and that totally makes sense. Next question! Do you have any pets?

C.C. I do! I have a cat. Her name is Sueva (pronounced sway-vuh), which is the name she already had when we adopted her from a shelter. She's pretty fat, which makers her all the more adorable!

C.S. Oh my gosh, I bet she's perfect.. Her name is so cute and creative! If I was to come to Atlanta, Georgia to hang out with you, what are some of your favorite places that we would probably go to?

C.C. Let's see... My favorite brunch destination is a little spot called Rise-n-Dine. They have amazing food and an adorable atmosphere. There's also a shop called Cacao that has the best hot chocolate ever, as well as some of the best macarons I've ever had. As for shopping, Lenox mall is the place to be!

C.S. Ooh brunch, macarons, and shopping sounds like so much fun! Here's a bit of a different question.. What three adjectives do you feel best describe you?

C.C. Hmm, I'd have to say organized, creative, and motivated.

C.S. Ooh, good words! You're definitely creative.. I've seen your Instagram! You're a pro! Any quick tips or previous posts you've written about Instagram? 

C.C. Thanks! I wrote a blog post all about Instagram tips recently. But to sum it up, the three musts are good lighting, good editing, and good framing. 

C.S. Those are such great tips! Thanks for sharing! Have you found social media helpful when it comes to growing your blog?

C.C. It's the simplest way to get your blog out in the open! It's also a great way to make connections with readers and other bloggers alike. Twitter is probably my favorite platform in terms of interacting with others, but I love Instagram for the pure creative side of it. 

C.S. I love both Twitter and Instagram.. Here's another social media question: how do you feel about Pinterest?

C.C. Pinterest is hands down my favorite way to pass the time when I want to get some ideas or just procrastinate. It's also a great way to promote blog posts! When people re-pin a pin connected to one of your posts, it can cause a really powerful chain of reaction in terms of people finding your blog. 

C.S. I love Pinterest too! It's absolutely perfect for procrastinating.. So how long have you been blogging?

C.C. I've technically been blogging for about a year and a half, but I've been consistently blogging since last July. 

C.S. I really love your blog.. Definitely one of my favorites! What made you want to start Your Typical Prep?

C.C. Thank You! I love yours as well! I've always loved writing, as well as fashion. Once I realized I was able to combine the two through a blog, Your Typical Prep was created! I was also inspired by a few other bloggers such as Carly of  The College Prepster

C.S. Carly is such an inspiration.. What other blogs and bloggers inspire you as a blogger, and also inspire your style?

C.C. Oh that's easy. Sarah Vickers' classic American style is my number one source of style inspiration. In terms of blogging, I really enjoy reading the blogs of Shannon of Prep Avenue and Mackenzie Horan of Design Darling

C.S. I can definitely tell that Sarah Vickers is part of the inspiration behind your style. I too enjoy reading Prep Avenue and Design Darling.. They are incredible blogs! how do you balance school with your blog? You always have an amazing post up each week and I definitely understand how tough it is to stay inspired and motivated to update the blog and sit down and write! How do you balance your time?

C.C. It can definitely be tough to find the right balance between school and blogging and I would be lying if I didn't say there weren't a few late nights included. I try to allot one hour before I begin my homework, and one hour after I finish for blog work. sometimes it's more, sometimes less. It just depends on how much pre-planning I did over the weekend. 

C.S. I really like the idea of setting out an hour before beginning homework.. I've always done an hour afterwards, but by the time I finish school work it's 12 or even 5 in the morning and I didn't have time to blog! That's a really good tip.. Thanks for sharing! What's been your favorite part of blogging so far?

C.C. Besides getting to know my personal style better, I'd have to say it's the connections I've made with other bloggers. Without blogging, I would have never met you, and you're such a great friend that I would hate to have never talked to you! 

C.S. Aw yes of course! The connections made through blogging and the friendships are literally incredible. And of course Caitlin, you're the best big sis! -- It's kind of a long story and a bit complicated, but yes, Caitlin's contact name in my phone is "MY BIG" and we talk basically every day. 

We're coming to the end of this interview... I really enjoyed chatting with you, and I hope my readers enjoyed learning about you! If they would like to know more about you and follow along with you and your blog... What accounts should they follow?

C.C. I update my Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter almost religiously. you'll see me around tumblr every now and then, and you can always shoot me an email! And of course, make sure to follow me on Bloglovin'

Well, is Caitlin amazing or is she AMAZING?! Her style is on point, and she is an incredible writer. Her blog is defenitly one that I check EVERY SINGLE DAY. Please make sure you show her some love and follow her on social media, because if I'm honest, is all perfect. Her Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and even Tumblr are all INCREDIBLE. I'm gonna put the links in ONE MORE TIME so you better click and follow :) 

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