Mar 20, 2015

Tunic-ing In The Sun

First, let me start off with Post Title credit: Caitlin, you're amazing.. Thank you so much! How adorable is "Tunic-ing in the Sun" ? I love it! Okay, but back to the real reason y'all are probably here.. for this outfit! 

I was so tired of doing nothing but homework the other night, when I remembered... "Hey, I have $50 store credit to White Plum!" So I hopped on my computer and did some ordering! As soon as I saw this tunic... I knew it was me, in a shirt. Is that possible? I think it is. It's so plain and casual at the top, just like any other normal, white shirt. But then it's just like ba-bam! ASYMMETRICAL! FUN! FLOWY! ME! No more words than those five describe my love for this shirt (and yes ba-bam is one word)... 

Moment of Truth: I feel like some bloggers don't actually wear the outfits they post in their every day lives. Personally, I can't truly gain inspiration from something that the blogger herself thinks it is not practical to wear. So, I wore this tunic to school yesterday, and it was cold and rainy. So instead of the jeans and Jack Rogers.. I went for some black leggings and riding boots. Honestly, I loved it so much more with the leggings than I did with the jeans like I have shown in these pictures hahaha! *Also sitting down in a tunic is a real struggle just FYI especially in desks. 
**Also, remember my post back around Christmas time? The penguin sweater one? Well remember all the little "outtakes" most people wouldn't feature in a post? haha well I've got some pretty interesting ones to share with y'all today!

Now.. Here's a look at the outfit: 

Just me being me, and playing with the flowy-ness (is that a word? it is now) of the tunic

Because according to my brother.. I get this "weird smile" on my face when I check social media.. Also I didn't know he was taking this picture..

Now, this one.. I obviously realized that he was no longer taking pictures of geese flying, and that he was actually in fact taking pictures of me... Oh brothers.... 

Apparently when I laugh I throw my head back? I don't know.. Jonathan must have said something pretty darn funny

Umm not even gonna tell y'all what Jonathan said in order to get this reaction out of me

When your friend calls you about homework, and your outside taking outfit pics for the blog......

This could very well be my favorite picture out of this entire post.... #behindtheselfie

oh.. wow.. i don't know what's going on here

Tunic: White Plum // Jeans: Old Navy // Watch: Target // Bangles: c/o Boston Belle // Sandals: Jack Rogers // Phone Case: c/o Amy Ruth Designs

Sorry for all the pics.. But Happy Friday y'all! 

Also.. Today is the first day of Spring! To celebrate, I'm linking up to the "Spring Fling Linkup"

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