Dec 30, 2015

Favorite Podcasts

If you haven't figured out yet that I'm... not exactly like the average sophomore, I don't know when you'll ever figure it out. When I'm not Netflixing, I'm listening to podcasts. I remember when I was little, I would always listen to Adventures in Odyssey on Saturday mornings on the radio. A couple years ago I was reminiscing on those days... and heard my dad talking about Serial and some other NPR show. It didn't take long before I was hooked. Here's some of my favorites:

Criminal // one of my all time favorites. It's about crime, but not just the murders, robberies, kidnappings that come to mind when you think of crime. "Stories of people who’ve done wrong, been wronged, or gotten caught somewhere in the middle." I find this show extremely interesting. Each episode is so different than the previous... it never gets boring. 

Serial // The first season of Serial was incredibly popular. I listened to it three or maybe even four times, I can't remember. This whole story of Hae Min Lee's death and the complications where her former boyfriend, Adnan Sayed was involved. I honestly still don't know what to believe. If in fact Adnan was responsible for Hae's death or if there was more to the story. The second season popped up on many social accounts as there was an entirely different story to hear. Bowe Bergdahl, who had been a prisoner of the Taliban for 5 years. Season 2 of serial gives Bergdahl a chance to actually share his side of the story.

Mystery Show // First off, I wish my name was Starlee. Second off, these are some of the oddest most randomest mysteries you could think of. At the moment there are only 6 episodes, but I really hope there will be more in the future. 

Undisclosed // This a continuation of the first season of Serial. Definitely worth the listen if you just can't get enough of Adnan Sayed. 

Unsolved // I'm just now getting started on this, but I'm loving every bit of this podcast by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. All about the murder of John Zera, a 14 year old killed in 1976.

Detective // 10 episodes for 23 years of Joe Kenda's stories on the Colorado Springs Police Department. 

Stuff You Missed in History Class // by, this podcast is kind of like that weird but true thing National Geographic does. With 300 episodes covering everything from peanut butter to the great moon hoax. 

Grammar Girl // Definitely helpful to go over some little grammatical errors to prevent yourself from making more of the same errors. This show is also informational such as how words get put in the dictionary... Something I wouldn't have known without listening to the show. 

Bon Appetit Foodcast // Love food? Yeah me too.. We get the Bon Appetit magazine at my house and as soon as I discovered the podcast, I couldn't stop listening. The show is filled with interviews from food lovers, chefs, and other writers. 

Don't wory everyone. Just because I listen to crime podcasts, does not mean I'm planning to be a serial killer (just a disclosure haha!). As you can tell the crime podcasts are mostly all that I listen to, but I do have a few other random favorites as well. Let me know what your favorite podcasts are, as well as if you start listening to podcasts because of this post! Happy Wednesday! XO

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