Dec 29, 2015

2015 Classy Cathleen in review

Can you believe it? Friday marks the beginning of a new year. A new year full of new adventures just waiting to be discovered. It's crazy how fast a year can go by. Why this time last year I was sitting on my bed writing my 300th blog post, about to celebrate my first blogging. I really am proud of all my posts from 2015, all my accomplishments, the many adventures I embarked on... It's been an incredible year. I have y'all, my amazing readers to thank for part of that. Seriously, what would I do without you guys reading these random blog posts of a scatterbrained 15 year old. Whatever made you want to visit my site... I am so grateful for. Sending love & many thanks to all of you! Here are my favorite posts from my blog this past year broken down by months:


My 2015 reading list? Well... In reality I only read I am Malala and The Devil in the White City
I hate I hate I hate this outfit, and my face, and my hair..... the first outfit post of 2015 ayyiyi


My Disney World travel journals! day one // day two // day three // day four // days 5&6


ahhh freshman year... here's a fun outfit for ya (don't look at my face)


Patterned shorts and Jacks (throwback to when I was a little tan & had ugly hair)





The #bloggersbts linkup hosted by myself and Nicole was INSANE

>> fashion (first post, second)
>> organization (first post:closet decluttering, second: who says type b's can't be organized too?)
>> desks (my post here)
>>diy's (my post)





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