Jan 18, 2016

Oldies but Goodies playlist

I realized recently that it takes about 3-4 months before a song has the potential to be considered "old" by those who actively keep up with the latest popular culture trends. Going to a public, American high school, I definitely am someone who keeps up... And you must be too if you're reading a blog on the worldwide web. So with that said, songs go out of date just as soon as another song comes out. At this point anything from November 2015 or earlier is old news. I'm the type that keeps up with the latest but still *gasp* parties with my jams from 2013 and earlier... Crazy, right? Yeah well... Happy Monday & here are my favorites! There are 115 songs, and I think the most recent of them is from 2012, Enjoy y'all :)

P.S. Have you noticed everyone's been doing playlist and music related posts lately? I love it... I love learning more about people from what they listen to! 

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