Dec 25, 2016

What I Got For Christmas // Blogger Secret Santa

Merry Christmas my loves! Today is my most favorite holiday hands down, and I'm just overwhelmed with so much joy this holiday season and I can't wait to celebrate. Everyone, please try to see past the materialism today and spend time with the people you love doing things that matter. In fact, I really hope that you aren't reading this post today and that you simply stumbled across it while catching up on other blog posts. I for sure won't be spending much time online today... There's too much to celebrate!

However, If you'll remember back to a previous post... Abigail of Living The Gray Life and I hosted a Blogger Secret Santa during these past few weeks. Well, all the names were chosen, gifts were purchased and sent and opened and now it's time to give a proper thank you shout out to the gal that shopped for me! 

Savannah of Always, S was my Secret Santa! I've always and forever been a huge fan of her blog, and I've been lucky enough to have been following her for a great many of her adventures. She has such a kind heart, and an adventurous spirit and I honestly admire her so much. Her writing style is beautiful as are her photos, and as I look forward into my future college years, I seriously value all of her advice and experience that she shares with studying abroad, transferring, rushing for a sorority etc. Also, she's a fellow Carolina girl (Well, she's North and I'm South but you know it's close enough)! 

Savannah sent me a pack of five pens in various metallic colors and patterns. I'm a huge sucker for pretty pens and other cute office supplies, so these fit perfectly on my desk! Also I mean, their gold pens... Who doesn't love gold pens?

I also received this too cute for words Christmas tree ornament. Look at it's cute little face! This ornament will fit in perfectly because in my house there are 6 people and 6 dogs. Sounds crazy, but imagine Christmastime... Everyone's running around and the more fragile ornaments are seriously at risk. But like I said, this ornament is just too cute for words. Thanks Savannah!

The last gift was this black and gold notebook! I've always had so many cute notebooks all around my room, and until recently they were all blank and unused save for a couple to do and grocery lists. But I've begun bullet journaling and lately I've really been enjoying using my notebooks for that.

To everyone that participated in Blogger Secret Santa, Abigail and I are so thankful for you and sincerely wish you the merriest of Christmases. We hope you enjoyed the process and join us next year for more! 'Till then, give my cohost Abigail and my Secret Santa, Savannah on their social accounts!

Abigail - instagram // twitter // blog // facebook // youtube

Savannah - instagram // twitter // blog // facebook // pinterest

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