Jun 13, 2015

Goals (Update)


So there's our motivation for this post... I've had this draft sitting here for like a week now. I honestly just forgot to hit publish when I finished it #oops. Because now it is June 13th and we're moving into the 3rd week of June, and it seems like I majorly procrastinated in writing this. BUT NOW I'm publishing so it's all good right?

Here were my original goals for 2015:

Smile more 
~ Quality over Quantity (in everything. not just blogging)
~ Work on my handwriting (because mine sucks) 
~ Stay active on social media (yet another thing I suck at. unless we're talking about Pinterest...)
~ Build a loyal Classy Cathleen following (I would really love to find new readers this year!)
~ Instagram more (and another thing I'm awful at. It's a miracle if I post more than once a month.)
~ Continue to practice photography skills (I love photography, so I obviously want to get better)
~ Fix up old posts to make them the best they can be (some of my posts when I first started out were not good at all.... so I want to fix them up, and republish them out their on the web!)
~ Write more letters (snail mail is becoming a lost art, and I am determined to help to bring it back)

I think I smiled enough last month.. I kind of had this mentality like "the year's almost over. I don't want these kids to remember me as anything other than well, me." so I just tried to help out everyone with studying for finals, last minute bring-your-grade-up's and being as nice as possible to my teachers who really did work their butts off this year. I don't know, I just tried to be understanding and kind to everyone regardless.

Quality over Quantity.. I've definitely seen some improvements. I rarely post as is, but I feel like when I do, my posts are not complete crap, so I guess that's good right? 

Oh goodness.. let's talk about handwriting. Still sucks. Nothing's changed. I'll have no excuses by next month if we haven't seen any improvements since it's Summer and all. 

Active on social media? Heck yes. I'm so proud of my Instagram now, and my Twitter isn't dead anymore, and even my Tumblr is waking up a little! WOO! And it's paying off too.. for any bloggers reading this? You need to stay active! I've seen my Instagram grow 450+ followers since I've started foccusing on staying active. Pinterest grew 2000 followers, Tumblr grew about 100 followers, and about 75 on Twitter. It's insanely important to stay active.

BREAKING NEWS: I HAVE 200 FOLLOWERS VIA BLOGLOVIN' AHHHHH That's HUGE and I'm so grateful to all of my followers for taking the time to listen to my insane little ramblings. It means so much to me, and it's just confirmation that my work is paying off. 

Instagram more? CHECK THAT OFF! I've trained myself to post at least 3 times a day. 

I haven't really been practicing photography as much, but goodness knows I need to.

Still haven't fixed up old posts, but it's Summer now, and I've got stuff planned.

Annnnd I didn't write any letters last month. I definitely need to though, and I will get back on track with that ASAP. Also, keep me in mind as you travel to these fun places this Summer. Send me a postcard! I love postcards so much, and I would love to see all the places you've visited. Shoot me a message, and I'll send you my address :)

OTHER Goals:
-Finish another book: I'm thinking Girl Boss or maybe one of the others on my Pinterest board or my Reading List.
-Continue with my handwriting: I think my first attempt worked out, so I really just want to give it another go, and maybe write some full sentences in fun fonts!
-Have some more bloggers I know interviewed for my new Tuesday Talks. 
-Get my science grade up to a B?
-Purchase some new fun, Spring pieces!
-Continue to stay active on Instagram
-Keep up with my Cooking with Cathleen posts and share one or so a week

I haven't finished another book yet, but If you follow me on snapchat (cathslagle) then you've seen in my story that I've been reading. I plan on finishing a good handful of books this Summer. PLEASE SEND RECOMMENDATIONS

I'm starting up Tuesday Talks again.. if you're interested give me a shout, and let me know!

I DID IT MY SCIENCE GRADE WAS A B WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I worked my butt off for that you have no idea. That was just for the 4th quarter, but I cannot wait to find out what I got on the exam and for the year.

I think Spring pieces is kind of irrelevant, but I've certainly got a cart full online @ old navy and Target that I need to revisit. 

I'm embarrassed at how long it's been since a cooking post has gone up. Look forward to a fun linkup coming soon with one of my blogging friends, and stay tuned for more from me.

Check out my Summer blogging goals post to see all that I want to work on with Classy Cathleen this Summer! If you made it to the end... thanks for reading! Wanna make me smile? Subscribe to my email list!

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