Apr 29, 2014

Gingham with an edge

I know y'all have seen a lot about my gingham J.Crew shirts recently.. I'm super excited about them! I've been asking so many people for outfit ideas with my purple, blue, and black gingham shirts.. And all of the responses I have gotten have been super helpful! A few of the ladies that I asked recommended that I wear my gingham tops with skirts.. I thought about it, searched my closet, and today I wore an outfit with my black gingham shirt and a skirt I have had for quite a few years. This particular skirt has been hanging in my closet for so long, but it has never been worn. The reason I haven't worn it is because it doesn't really match my style...  I try to stay more with the conservative, casually preppy and classy style.. This skirt is more edgy and sleek if that makes any since at all! With this outfit, you are either going to love it or hate it. There's not really an in between.. Personally, I like the combination of the two styles, but that's just me! Please let me know what you think in a comment:) Well, that's enough background info.. Let's move into the outfit! 

{a quick overview} 
